Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Computer Evolution and Performance Part 15

Intel Core2Duo
- Further development of the Core Duo.

  • Building processor between the first and second.
- Technology denganL2 dual processor cache up to 2MB.
- Do not focus on speed but on the ability of computing resolution two times faster.

History of the Intel Processor

Intel's series 4004 and 8008

Intel's 8080 series, 80286

Intel's 80386 series, 486 and 586

- Project RISC system beginning in 1975 by IBM in the computer mini-series 801.
- Series is the first prototype, a series of commercial PC RT is the introductions in 1986.
- IBM's Year 1990 issue is the next generation of IBM RISC System/6000 which is the engine superskalar RISC workstations.
- After this architecture known as the IBM POWER architecture.
Det: RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers)

- IBM formed a partnership with Motorola produced a series microprocessor 6800.
- Apple use Motorola chips in Macintosh. Currently there are 4 groups PowerPC.

PowerPC 6800 series

Group Power PC
- 601, is a 32 bit machine is a massive production for the PowerPC architecture known community.
- 603, is a computer desktop and portable computers. This same group with a 601 series, but cheaper for the purpose of efficient.
- 604 series PowerPC machines for use lowend computer servers and desktop computers.
- 620, intended for the use of high-end servers. Machine with 64 bit architecture.
- 740/750, with a series of L2 cache.
- G4, such as the 750 series but is faster and uses 8 parallel instructions.

PowerPC 601 and 603 series

PowerPC 604 series

PowerPC 740 and 750 series