Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wireless Security Tips

10 Tips for Wireless Security

Category: Computer Network, Application Server

Wireless network, or often called with the wireless network is easy to set up, and also feels very comfortable, especially if we want to walk the road circumnavigator home or office with a portable computer but can still access the Internet network. However, because using the wireless wave, it will be easier to hack than in-use cable connections. There are a few tips here to secure the wireless network.

The step-step as follows:

  1. Use encryption. Encryption is a measure of security first, but many wireless access points (WAPs) do not use encryption as a default. Although many WAP have wired equivalent privacy (WEP) protocol, but not enabled by default. WEP indeed have some holes in the security, and an experienced hacker would be able to open it, but it is still better than no encryption at all. Make sure to set method WEP authentication with the "shared key" rather than "open system". To "open system", he is not to Encrypt data, but only Authentication client. Change the WEP key as often as possible, and use 128-bit WEP compared with the 40-bit.
  2. Use Strong encryption. Because of the weakness of the existing weaknesses in WEP, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) also. To use WPA, WAP should be downloading supporting. The client side must also be downloading a page support WPA.
  3. Change Default Administrator Password. Most factories use the same password for the administration of all WAP their products. The default password is generally known by the hackers, who can later use to alter the settings in your WAP. The first thing that must be done in the WAP configuration is the default password change page. Use at least 8 characters, a combination of letters and numbers, and do not use the word in the dictionary.
  4. Turn off SSID Broadcasting. Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of our wireless network. By default SSID of the WAP will be broadcast. This will create a user to easily find the network page, as the SSID will appear in the list of available networks in the wireless client. If the SSID is turned off, users must first know the SSID it can be quite connected with the network page.When the WAP.
  5. Matikan are not. How this one seems very simple, but some company or individual to do so. If we have users who are connected only at a certain time only, there is no reason to run a wireless network at any time and provide the opportunity for the intruder to implement the intenet. We can shut off access point when not in use.
  6. Change the default SSID. Factory provides a default SSID. Usefulness of off SSID broadcast is to prevent other people know the name of our network, but if you still use the default SSID, will not be difficult to guess from the network's SSID.
  7. Use MAC filtering. Most of the WAP (not cheap cheap, of course) will allow us to filter the media access control (MAC). This means we can create a "white list" of the computer that a computer can access the wireless network we, based on the MAC or physical address of the network card in each PC. Connections from the MAC is not in the list will be rejected. This method is not necessarily safe, because it is still possible for a hacker to do packet sniffing which transmits it via the wireless network and get the MAC address is valid from one user, and then use it to make a spoof. But the MAC filtering will make an intruder difficulties that still has not been master's champion.
  8. Isolate Wireless Network from LAN. To protect their internal network cable from the threats that come from the wireless network, should probably be made wireless DMZ or perimeter network that isolate from the LAN. That means installing a firewall between the network and wireless LAN. And to wireless client that requires access to the internal network, he must first perform Authentication with RAS server or use a VPN. This provides extra layer for protection.
  9. Control Signal Wireless. 802.11b WAP radiating waves up to about about 300 feet. But this distance can be added by changing the antenna with the better. With the high gain antenna, we can get more distance. Directional antenna will emit signals to a certain direction, and the jet not a circle, as happened in the omnidirectional antenna is usually found in the package WAP standard. In addition, by selecting the appropriate antenna, we can control the distance signals and directions to protect themselves from the intruder. In addition, some of the WAP settings that can signal strength and direction through the WAP con fig page.
  10. Emit wave in the frequency Different. One way to shrink from hackers who are using technology 802.11b / g, which is more popular with 802.11a. Because 802.11a working on a different frequency (the frequency at 5 GHz), the NIC in the design to work on the popular technology that will not be able to catch the signal page.